Title: The Testing (The Testing #1)
Author: Joelle Charbonneau
Genre: Young adult, dystopian, science fiction
Publisher: Templar Publishing
What It's About: The Testing is about a sixteen year old girl named Cia who must compete against other graduates from her village and beyond to get a place in the University and help to run the country. At first, Cia is delighted to be chosen and considers it a great honour, but after a talk with her father, she is worried when he tells her that he can't remember anything from his own Testing. What would the government want him to forget?
What I Thought: I very much enjoyed reading The Testing, and I wasn't expecting to at all, considering that dystopian books aren't really my cup of tea, and I'm not the biggest fan of The Hunger Games books.
I really liked the protagonist, Cia. She was smart, strong, honest and loyal. It was very interesting to see her reactions to the situations she was in and I'm excited to read more about her in future books.
There is a romance between Cia and other graduate and I think it was well done. It was realistic. As far as I can tell, there is no love triangle.
The book has a rather large cast of characters, and I feel that I got to know them quite well. I was never sure who I could trust, so that kept things interesting.
The plot is great. It was very fast paced and each time I put it down, which wasn't often, I always wondered what would happen next.
I'm definitely going to continue on with this trilogy really soon.
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Instagram: @courtneysbooks
This picture is mine.
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