Title: The Darkest Minds
Author: Alexandra Bracken
Publisher: Hyperion
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia
What's It About: When Ruby was ten years old, her mother locked her in the basement and called the police. Ruby was sent to a work camp for kids like her, who survived the plague that killed most of America's children and were left with special powers. She escapes and meets a close knit trio of pals named Liam, Chubs and Zu, and together they travel across America in search of the Slip Kid, who they believe can help them to contact their parents .
What I Thought: I have to say, I really enjoyed this book. It's different to any other dystopian book I've read. It's really fast paced, and I loved that just when things seemed to be going fine, something terrible yet exciting would happen. One thing I will say is that I think the powers could have been explained better as I'm not really sure of the differences between the groups.
I really liked Ruby. I felt that the way she acted was very realistic. She developed a lot throughout the story and I really enjoyed watching her grow. I loved her relationship with Liam, Chubs and Zu, who are all great and very well written characters.
That ending was stressful. I don't like it as I feel that it was quite obvious, but I read the synopsis for the second book and I can't wait to read it. Even if you don't like dystopian, read this book. I don't like the genre myself, but I really enjoyed this book and it's originality.
Rating: 4/5 stars
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